Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bang Bros Poop Shoot

I can admit when I've done something embarrassing, and think it's inevitable that when you're getting violently rammed in the ass, sometimes things don't always go well. Unfortunately, it happened to me at my first Bang Bros shoot. Everyting was going fine, minus the fact that I brought anal numbing lube, and my unfortunate male co-star became the victim of a tingling non-functioning penis. I used an enema, did everything as planned, and make it a general rule to not have anal sex unless it's the ummm...right time. I take pride on the fact that out of the 100+ times I've done anal, there have only been a couple of accidents. The one time when I really cared about there not being an accident, there was...even more embarrassing is the fact that it was caught on camera.

Anyways, back to the story. He's banging me anally doggy style and everything was fine...but as soon as we hit the reverse cowgirl and my legs are almost shaking from the amount of pressure I'm putting on them from riding him up and down, the shit, literally hit the fan. I of course was unaware until my co-star said "Uhhhh....cut, little accident here." I turned around and my worst fears were confirmed. He was covered in poop and lube. Oh jesus. He ran to the bathroom as I faced the cameraman, absolutely mortified. I was also dreading the fact that I had to continue the anal sex scene despite the fact that I was sure it was all downhill from there. I went to the bathroom cleaned up, and my co-star came back out. Thankfully, he's mature enough to realize that sometimes shit's only natural. As we continued the scene, I was happy only a few minutes remained. After concluding our anal fiasco, I sat on the couch. I stood up, looked behind me, and yeah, definately left poop on his friends beautiful leather couch. I quickly cleaned the couch up, then myself.

It's going to be a long time before I do any anal scenes again because I can think of nothing worse of pooping on someone else. I also advise you that if you're going to fuck a girl (or a guy in some cases) in the ass, that you wear a condom....because you never know when you're gonna end up knee deep in shit. I have also earned the nickname "Slug-O" by my co-star and cameraman. Thankfully now, it's just an ongoing joke and I'm keeping my ass to myself.

1 comment:

  1. your a good sport thats for sure, liked hearing you on cowhead
